
Why Budgeting Will Lead to More Awareness

Why Budgeting Will Lead to More Awareness

I don’t run into too many people who love to budget.

And when you add another person to the mix, like a spouse or partner, there’s a good chance one of you will actually hate the idea.

Budgeting clearly has a marketing problem.

It’s a bit like flossing.

We understand how important it is to floss, but it’s not something we like to even think about, let alone actually do.

So we lie to the dentist about how often we do it and promise to do better, only to skip it again the next day.

Budgeting and flossing: Both insanely important, super simple, and for many of us, nonstarters.

I had this conversation with Jesse Mecham, the founder of You Need a Budget, the online budgeting tool, and he touched on something that I agreed with completely.

Budgeting is more about awareness than it is about numbers.

In fact, budgeting equals awareness.

And who doesn’t want that?

I think anyone who takes the time to think about it would agree that spending money in a way that’s aligned with what we value will bring us more happiness.

Of course, the only way to know if our spending is aligned with what we say is important is to track it.

Tracking it will make us aware of how we’re spending our money, and then we’ll have the information to decide if we want to make changes.

So why aren’t we doing it?

1. It’s not fun.


But remember, to paraphrase Stephen R. Covey, the self-help author,  it might be even less fun to spend your entire life climbing a ladder only to find it’s leaning against the wrong wall.

2. I already know where my money is going.

No, you don’t.


Unless you track your spending, you don’t know where your money goes.

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