
Is the Premier reading my stuff?

Is the Premier reading my stuff?

After many years of applauding runaway population growth, Premier Miles recently called for a slowdown in immigration numbers under the Labor Albanese Government, at least to a pace we can manage.

He doubled down on that by linking rampant population growth to congestion.

This was labelled an “outrageous” claim, which is unfair.

I happen to be (for once) in furious agreement.

Where did he get these ideas from I wonder?

Maybe it was this article from September 2022 that pointed out that a housing shortage was only one symptom of rapid growth.

Water, hospitals, schools, and even energy ought to be just as much a worry.

Or this article from February 2023 which argued that the idea of population growth being something we can’t control is plain wrong.

We can stop people coming to Australia by simply not inviting them.

Population growth and immigration are directly linked.

Then there was this article from August 2023 which showed that our rates of population growth – the speed at which we are trying to grow – are well in excess of developed economies but on par with third-world ones.

Or this one from January 2024 which pointed to the adverse consequences of very rapid population growth.

In terms of congestion, the link between population growth and traffic was highlighted in this yarn from November 2023 which warned that we don’t have a plan for the 1 million more cars that will follow population growth into southeast Queensland.

This article from September 2023 looked at the great urban mobility challenge and this article from December 2023 pointed out the futility of looking to heavy commuter rail as a congestion buster because we no longer have a heavily centralised economy (most people don’t work where trains take them).

There are many more, but that’ll do.

Should I take some credit?

I doubt it, but just in case he’s reading this, here’s an idea.

The solution to much of this lies in our suburbs and regions.

Yes, we need to slow growth to a speed we can manage. But we also need to think more about where that growth can go.

Our budgets and growth priorities are all out of kilter

We have run-down older legacy industrial precincts which, by some absurd notion, some argue need to be preserved so that they can continue to store boxes or caravans instead of workers or residents.

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