
How to Create Environmentally Conscious Construction Sites

How to Create Environmentally Conscious Construction Sites

The ongoing population growth combined with rapid urbanization has led to an increased demand for housing over the years. Simply put, with more people in the world, we need more places where they can live safely and comfortably.

Note: According to the most recent United Nations reports, the global population today is three times larger than it was during the mid-twentieth century and is expected to grow from the current figure estimated at around 8 billion to 9.7 billion by 2050.

Since shelter represents one of the most basic human needs, being an essential component to our survival, the construction industry is tasked with accommodating the housing needs of communities all over the world.

However, although construction companies have to fire up their engines to keep up with the rising housing demand and build houses that ensure this fundamental need is adequately covered, they need to do that without disregarding the environment. It’s a well-known fact that common construction-related activities are a major contributor to climate change and global pollution, whether it comes in the form of chemicals, waste, the use of heavy machinery like breakers, bulldozers, or excavators on site, air, water, and noise pollution, and so on.

Therefore, more buildings being erected also means more pressure on the environment. So, developers have a double challenge on their hands that makes it much harder for them to ensure quality and affordable accommodation for the world’s population, all that against a backdrop of socio-economic issues that add to the burden.

Nevertheless, sustainability in construction remains a non-negotiable, so let’s look at some of the eco-friendly strategies and practices that stakeholders can employ to decrease the environmental impact of construction sites and learn how to build more sustainably.

environmentally conscious construction

Sourcing sustainable materials

The construction industry relies heavily on a wide array of raw materials to complete projects and build structures that meet modern standards. Unfortunately, our planet doesn’t benefit from limitless natural resources, so the excessive use of these materials eventually leads to resource depletion and a plethora of related issues.

Therefore, for a construction site to be deemed truly sustainable, one needs to start with the very basics and that implies using materials and components with a low environmental footprint. These types of materials can reduce waste and lower carbon emissions on construction sites.

Examples include, but are not limited to:

  • reclaimed wood
  • bamboo
  • timber sourced from eco-friendly forestry
  • low-carbon concrete
  • recycled steel
  • recycled glass
  • straw bales

sustainable building materials

Switching to green energy

It’s no secret that construction sites consume a lot of energy to power up specific operations, and most of that energy comes from fossil fuel combustion which leaves a long trail of pollutants in its wake. Fortunately, tech advances in recent years have made it possible for large consumers to move away from fossil energy and partially replace it with renewable alternatives wherever possible.

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