
Compound interest is like magic – and it’s an investor’s best friend

Compound interest is like magic – and it’s an investor’s best friend

What is compound interest and how does the return relate to the investment contribution?

How to avoid being thrown off by the investment cycle?

These and other questions were raised and answered by Dr. Shane Oliver, Head of Investment Strategy and Economics and Chief Economist at AMP in his  Insight published a few years ago

If there is one “technical thing” investors should know about investing, it’s the power of compound interest.

In the rush to understand short-term developments impacting investment markets regarding the economy, interest rates, profits, politics, etc, and in recent times coronavirus is often forgotten about.

It can be the worst nightmare of borrowers as interest gets charged on interest if it’s not regularly serviced.

But it’s the best friend of investors.

The well-known Australian economist Dr Don Stammer refers to it as the “magic” of compound interest.

I often refer to it, but given its importance, this note updates one I wrote a few years ago looking at what it is, how it works, various issues around it, and why investors often miss out.

What is compound interest?

Compound interest is simply the concept of earning interest on interest or getting a return on past returns.

In other words, any interest or return earned in one period is added to the original investment so that it all earns interest or a return in the next period, and so on.

It’s best demonstrated by some examples.

• Suppose an investor invests $500 at the start of each year and receives a 3% annual return (see Case A in the next table).

After 20 years the investment will have increased to $13,838, for a total outlay (or $ Flow) of $10,000.

• But if the investor put the same flow of money in say a higher risk asset returning an average 7% a year, after 20 years it will have grown to $21,933 (Case B).

And in year 20, annual earnings are now $1,435, far above the investment earnings in the same year in Case A of $403.

• Finally, if the process was kicked off by a $2000 investment at the start of the first year, with $500 each year thereafter and still earning 7% per annum then after 20 years it will have grown to $27,737 (Case C).

By year 20 in this case the annual investment earnings will have increased to $1,815.

These examples are relatively simple, in order to show how compounding works.

All sorts of complications can affect the final outcome including inflation (which would boost the nominal results as the table uses relatively low nominal returns), more frequent compounding which occurs in investment markets (which would also boost the final outcome), and the timing of the average return from the high growth/more risky asset through time in that it won’t be a steady 7% year after year.


However, the power of compound interest is clear.

From these examples, it is evident that it has three key drivers:

The rate of return – the higher the better.

The contribution – the bigger the better as it means there is more to compound on.

The $2,000 upfront contribution in Case C boosted the outcome after 20 years by $5804 versus Case B.

Not bad for just an extra $1,500 investment.

Time – the longer the better as it means the longer the compounding process of earning returns on returns has to run.

Time also helps smooth out any year-to-year volatility in returns.

After 40 years the investment strategy in Case A will have grown to $38,832 but Case B will have grown to $106,805 and Case C will have grown to $129,267.

The next chart illustrates how after about 15 to 20 years the value of the investment in the higher returning cases starts to rise exponentially as returns build on top of returns.

This is why compound interest is often described as “magical”.


Compound interest in practice

Growth assets like shares and property provide higher returns than defensive assets like cash and bonds over long periods.

This is because their growth potential drives higher returns over long periods of time compensating for their higher volatility.

The next chart is my favourite demonstration of the power of compound interest in action.

It shows the value of $1 invested in 1900 in Australian cash, bonds, and shares with earnings on each asset reinvested along the way.

Since 1900 cash has returned 4.8% pa, bonds returned 5.8% pa & shares 11.8% pa.


Shares are more volatile than cash and bonds.

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