
Are these Wealth Retreat people really crazy?

Are these Wealth Retreat people really crazy?

Have you ever wondered why the world any normal, sane person would set aside 5 days and pay so much money to join us at Wealth Retreat 2024?

And why a large number of them would pay to come back again and again?

Well if you were wondering, you’re in good company.

You see… many of our Wealth Retreat graduates themselves wondered if any wealth experience could really be worth the time involved and the price tag.

In fact, many of them delayed coming to Wealth Retreat before they finally took the leap to join us.

Before they came to Wealth Retreat they were just like you.

They had the same fears and doubts that you have.

They had friends who told them they were crazy.

They had very full lives and too many time commitments.

But they did something that the average person would never do – they made the decision to step up and take action in the presence of their fears.

And that has made all the difference.

The Real Cost of Wealth Retreat

In my opinion, the real cost of Wealth Retreat isn’t the investment to attend, the real cost is the price people pay who don’t attend.

Take the example of Rick, one of the people who enquired about joining us at Wealth Retreat a couple of years ago.

Rick had a successful professional practice with a substantial earned income, but he was working long hours six days a week.

He was stuck on a treadmill trading his time for dollars.

Sure he was being paid a good hourly rate, but the moment he stopped working, his income stopped flowing.

He was trapped in golden handcuffs, forced to keep working incredibly hard just to stay even.

Do you know someone like this?

Someone who is so caught in the rat race, running on that treadmill, working hard just to stay even, that they couldn’t find a way to get ahead?

Well, Rick called us about coming to Wealth Retreat but at the last minute he got cold feet and backed out because he said he couldn’t get away from his job for 3 days.

In fact, the last I heard from Rick he was still stuck in the same trap of working long hours in a job he was no longer enjoying.

Contrast that with Paul who made the move and joined us at Wealth Retreat in 2008.

At the time Paul had a small service-oriented business.

He used Wealth Retreat as the launching pad to some amazing business, financial, and personal breakthroughs.

In fact, over the first two years of participating at Wealth Retreat, Paul put his business on autopilot so that it now generates cash flow even when he isn’t working!

He’s moved into his dream home overlooking the water on the Gold Coast and he is well on his way to turning his dreams into a tangible reality.

Here’s what Paul had to say about his experience:

“Since going to Wealth Retreat I have left my day-to-day business to focus my time on doing what I love – property – and I’ve built relationships with some of the best people I’ve ever met. You can do the same thing…if you’re ready to step up and play on a whole new level, come along to Wealth Retreat.”

By the way, just click here to find out more details about Wealth Retreat.

It’s just around the corner – on April 27th – May 1st 2024.

What Would it Take to Convince you to Come?

As part of my job, I have the pleasure of catching up with quite a few Wealth Retreat graduates and I remember speaking with Stuart, from Sydney.

When he first joined us at Wealth Retreat, he was in a 9 to 5 job.

Well, it was a bit more than a 9 to 5 job as he was running his own business and working 7 days a week.

He was doing some investing on the side and already owned a number of properties.

Fast forward 2 years and he sold his business and is spending his days doing what he enjoys.

Analyzing property deals buying property and spending more time with his family.

Interestingly he just put together his biggest deal ever last month with a group of joint ventures.

He bought a very substantial old building that they’re going to convert into apartments.

Then there was Robert from Perth who has also left his full-time job to put together some pretty big property development deals.

The people he met and the results he got were what made Robert come back for the third time.

Don’t count yourself out 

I know a number of people I have spoken with have initially thought they weren’t ready to come to Wealth Retreat – they thought it was only for high-net-worth individuals.

Well… about 35% of the 100 attendees tend to be repeat attendees – coming for their second or third time and sometimes their 5th time.

About 20% are very high net-worth clients who already have a substantial property investment business and are financially free.

But the balance of attendees are ordinary property investors with 2 to 8 properties who want to take their property investing to the next level.

Others are business owners, entrepreneurs, and share investors.

If this sounds like you please register your interest.

I urge you to click here NOW and register your interest and you’ll hear back from Jo Fitt who’ll chat with you to see if Wealth Retreat will be right for you.

It’s just around the corner – on April 27th to May 1st 2024.

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