
22 habits of exceptionally successful people

22 habits of exceptionally successful people

Success means different things to different people, but there are some timeless truths about what it takes to get to the top.

One of the most successful books of all time about success was written nearly 80 years ago by a journalist called Napoleon Hill and it was called “Think and Grow Rich”.

In the book, and further texts and lecture series, Hill further explored the traits which lead to exceptional success.

Here are 22 of them….

1. They have a purpose

According to Hill, the majority of people in this world could be very successful if they would just make up their minds about how much success they wanted and on what terms they wanted to evaluate success.

2. They understand their motives 

The most successful people are always aware of why they have their goals and are driven by this passion and this passion alone.

3. They seek other smart people

At the top of any industry, there are often big egos, but the ultra-successful seek out other smart people whose capabilities and talents complement their own.

4. Self-reliance

The upper-echelon of successful people have a degree of self-reliance that allows them to pursue their definite purpose regardless of any circumstances or naysayers.

5. They exhibit self-control 

Exceptionally successful people know how to control their emotions, not letting disappointments crush their spirits or achievements lead to cockiness.

They understand that self-control is a muscle, which when exercised gets stronger.

They know that pursuing a dream and the goals around a dream increase self-control.

6. They don’t give up  

Hill says it’s necessary to not only withstand difficulty but to use your setbacks as motivation to try even harder.

1 Give Up Or Try Again

7. They find productive uses for their creativity

Successful people make an impact on the world by finding ways to direct their imagination to “definite and constructive ends”.

8. They are decision-makers

Making clear-cut decisions quickly is a calling card of successful people.

Not only are they able to make decisions easily, but they also stand by them.

9. Information gathering 

Another sign of a successful person is that they’re not quick to judge others.

Instead, they independently gather all of the information they need about a person or a topic before forming an opinion.


10. Enthusiastic but not overly 

When it comes to success, many of the top operators are salespersons of a sort.

The key difference, however, is that they can communicate their enthusiasm without overdoing it!

11. They are open  

According to Hill, to be a great thinker, you need to have an open mind on all subjects and all people.

12. They practice diplomacy

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